The Follow Through

No basketball shot or volleyball serve can be complete without a follow through.  Same with goals in life.  It’s always easy to begin, ….

Happy New Year to Everyone all over the World! For some, this is their favorite time of the year because it’s like getting a do over.  For others it’s a time to welcome new adventures or turning to a new chapter in the book of You.

I think I’m looking forward to a little bit of both really.   A fresh start and looking forward to what this New Year will bring.  The summer of 2019, was a bit rocky and unexpected.   The chaos of what it brought overshadows anything that happened earlier or later in the year.

Today and yesterday I’ve been quietly thinking about what I can focus on achieving in this New Year.  I’m at a point where I need to think about the big picture.  I thought I’d always done this, but I realize I’ve always been okay with not completing my goals and plans.  This year I want to live as if this is the last resort so that I can accomplish… something.  The follow through is necessary.

My 6th grade teacher told me that I struggled with seeing things through to the end.  His words have continued to stay with me, until of course, I would forget them, but they were still embedded in my mind.  Recently watching an episode of “Married with Children”, one of the characters was told this same thing.  It was then I remembered Mr. Casteel’s piercing words.  This also helped to remind me that I can no longer live just for now.  I’ve become too complacent with just going with the flow and falling back on the present.  I must live and act with urgency.  I need to be focused on the future and all that may come with it.

No basketball shot or volleyball serve can be complete without a follow through.  Same with goals in life.  It’s always easy to begin, but the continuation through to its finish is what matters even when rough patches come.  I want to have 20/20 vision when looking at the dreams I want out of life.  I want to see all that comes with it, so I can’t allow the start to also be the end.  I must remember the follow through.

To read about my Summer of 2019, click here—-> Summer 2019

Check out my previous blog post here—> It’s Finally Christmas Time!

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Year of Me: YOU Gotta SEE IT!!!

Creating a vision board can help you see that your goals are obtainable.  Here are 5 steps to get you started.

Make the VISION Plain, so that you can see it.

Your Word Wall, helps to speak Life to manifest those dreams.  You are using these words to encourage yourself to reach the dreams that God has placed in your heart.  Creating a vision board helps you visualize the dream(s).  They help you see that your goals are obtainable.  You can add some of your word wall words to your vision board so that your words can line up with what you see for yourself.  Here are 5 steps to help get you started.

You’ve got to be able to SEE IT!

  1. Get poster board & glue or foam/cork board & push pins
    • It can be any size that you want.  Maybe your wall.
      • Use page(s) in your daily journal to glue your vision to.
  2. Get Magazines that represent YOU.
    • Use the magazine to find pictures and words that represent your goals.  Cut them out to glue onto your poster board.  If you are able to use magazines you already own or can use from someone you know, you can save money on this.
      • If you are in your 30s on up, you probably don’t need to use the magazine Seventeen. If you don’t golf, Golf Magazine may not be one that you need.  Get magazines that represent you.
      • I’m adding a checklist to mine, so that I can check off the goals I reach throughout the year.
        • Add anything that positively represents your goals.
  3.  Sticker Letters/Decorations (Optional)
    • This can help jazz up your vision board. Add your personality/your spin to YOUR Vision.  The vision board is a representation of you.  Design it however you want it to look.  Some people even add lights to theirs.  Go Crazy!  Do whatever you want to reflect your personality.
  4. Have Fun!
    • Enjoy this time of making the vision plain.
      • Play music!
      • Re-watch a movie that you already know everything that’s going on, so you don’t have to really focus on it—just for background noise.
      • Have a Vision Board Party and invite others over so that positivity can reign over everyone there.
        • It’s good to have someone other than you that is able to keep you accountable to your goals, if you should happen to get side tracked or discouraged.
  5. Now Run with it! (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
    • Place the vision board somewhere that you can see it everyday.  On the wall next to your bed or in your work space.
      • Take a picture of it and place a copy in your journal so that everyday you are able to see it.
        • Let it be the Wallpaper on your phone, computer, or tablet.
    • Now focus on those goals!  Don’t lose sight of those dreams!  Keep God at the focal point and pray to him about each step to takeIf He put it in your heart, it will come to pass.
      • Encourage yourself daily.  Speak Life into your Visions & Goals at every chance, especially when you start to doubt or think “it” won’t happen.  Remind the Enemy about what Your God says about you. (Philippians 4:13)

So many people create their own unique ways for their vision boards.  Check out Pinterest for some examples of Vision Boards.  Have fun with this. After all, this represents you and it’s for you.

****I hope this series, Year of Me, was encouraging to you.  Please share with me the plans you are already working towards in the comment section.****

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Year of Me Series (Click below to get caught up):

Part 1: Year of Me   Part 2: Write the Vision…  Part 3:Making PLAIN & REALISTIC Goals

Year of Me: Write the Vision…

Words have Power. Speak positively over your life. How will you use your words?

Year of Me: Write the Vision…

I have many things I want to accomplish, and even though Aaliyah said, “Age Ain’t Nuthin but a Number”, I feel like my time is getting away from me.  No, I don’t feel as if death is knocking at my door or even walking in my direction, praise God, but there is a lot that I want to do and I feel like I’m gettin’ too old and won’t be able to do everything. I’ve been complacent for far too long.  Each new year I find myself in the same place of wanting a change and wanting to do me, yet I am doing nothing to make that happen.  I have allowed not only myself, but also people to halt my progress to achieve what I want out of life.  Fears have stopped me.

The Fear of the words from others are included.  Whether it’s from family or Facebook “friends”.  As much as I strive to not care for the thoughts of others, this outlook can still be challenging.  Maybe it’s because I am truly not confident in myself, so having someone else speak out what I am trying to suppress, stirs up the doubt.  WHOAAAAA!!!!!!! Why didn’t I study Psychology???? Dang it!!!  I know that was some looking inside your insides to discover who you is kinda stuff (yes, I meant to say, “Who you is”).

In this year of me, I have decided that I am going to write the vision and make it plain (Habakukk 2:2).  I hear about people creating vision boards.  I’ve always thought they were artistic and unique, but I’ve never completed or attempted to create one.  I never made a vision board, but I used words to write what I wanted.  I did this to “plan out my life” and to list the characteristics I wanted in a husband.  I was consistent in the latter and that most definitely worked in my favor.  I have THE BEST HUZ-BAND!!!  If my consistence worked for my Husband, why not use this for my other dreams and goals.

A personal word wall?  Displaying words that encourage me to believe in my dreams can be helpful.  Not only am I “writing” the vision, but also calling my dreams and goals into existence.  It’s the “calling those things that be not as though they were” and “speaking life into my situation”.  All of this are principles found in the Bible.  *(Isaiah 55:11; Matthew 4:4; Mark 11:23)*  Meditating on these positive and focused words can help me with being successful in my ambitions.  I have the ability to speak life into my well being and these desires that I believe God has given me.  Words have Power.  How will you use yours?

For “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.-1 Peter 3:10

Previous Post: Year of Me

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Year of Me

I won’t allow fear of failure or fear of being uninteresting stop me.  This year I will focus on being a better me and finding what makes me happy.  My collegiate choices led me to this moment, so let’s discover why.  This year will be different…this is my year of doing me.

Spring Break was last week.  It began with the celebration of my birthday.  I turned a large odd number this year.  It feels weird because I don’t know how to feel.  Am I supposed to feel older? I don’t.  I’m still whining on Facebook about not being able to find my favorite cereal at the store.

When you begin a new chapter in the book of your life, you begin to think back on how the plot of your story is going?  There are some things that I wish I had already accomplished by now.  You know how you see yourself in a different place in life because you told yourself that when you hit a certain age, you should be doing ___________.  My thing is, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.  So my fill in the blank needs to be filled in again.  I thought I knew.  I spent a lot of money (still spending a lot of money) on what I thought I knew I wanted.   I thought I would have so many things figured out by now….

Only a few people know what they want to be when they are 18.  I learned more about myself after graduating from college, so change feels too late.  I sometimes wonder if I made the right choices in my collegiate decisions.  Life would be so vastly different if I had only been given certain information about career choices, but I had made up my mind about what I was going to do and I already knew the college that would help make it achievable.  If I had really gone to college for me, things would be different….

But it’s too late to look back and have regrets.  This year is going to be different.  I will be focused on discovering what I am good at and work hard so that I can profit from those skills.  I won’t allow fear of failure or fear of being uninteresting stop me.  This year I will focus on being a better me and finding what makes me happy.  My collegiate choices led me to this moment, so let’s discover why.  This year will be different…this is the year of me!

What discoveries have you made about yourself?  What goal would you like to achieve?

Next Post: Year of Me: Write the Vision…

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Discipline: Having the ability to do what is necessary no matter how you feel.

That’s my definition of the word.

It is also something that I am lacking. Too many times I allow my feelings of being tired and exhausted after a long, tumultuous day at work cause me to not do the things that need to be done.  I know I need to hit that track and not just watch everyone else do it. I come home, and immediately I reach for my phone to watch my favorite YouTube Channels, or read my favorite celebrity gossip sites, or watch Netflix.  Watch-A-Thon is on HBO, so how can I deny myself the wonderousness that is Game of Thrones. This and reading the novels is all that I have to hold me over until the new season comes back. I can relive how much I loathe King Joffrey and how much I love the Mother of Dragons and the cleverness and wit of Tyrion Lannister; but I digress….

I have even neglected my blog.  My lovely blog.  When I come home, I don’t want to think.  I don’t want to do anything that is not pleasing to me while home.  If I bring my laptop or my journal around me, my brain immediately begins to think of things to write about.  After dealing with 40 something 4thgraders everyday, I want my brain to take a break and just be able to do nothing; but I need discipline.  I still need to come home every day and do a little something something towards my blog. It is an outlet for me and it is something that I enjoy doing…I’ll figure it out.

I could create a schedule or a To-Do list, to make sure I accomplish various goals for the day.  I can always type for my blog and watch my shows, whatever media platform I use.  I can still walk around the track and take a brain break from the thoughts of the day. I just gotta want it!  I must become focused so that I can be disciplined to do what is necessary and not just relaxing.  Don’t we all?

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