Back after Break

I can’t believe how ready I was to return to school.  To be back from break.  This year has been different.  I’m not as stressed as I would normally be.

I can’t believe how ready I was to return to school yesterday.  To be back from break.  I had a good two weeks off and of course I wouldn’t have minded a little more time off, but surprisingly I was really looking forward to returning to school.  I honestly don’t know when the last time I’ve felt this way about a holiday break ending.

This year has been different for me.  I’m not as stressed as I would normally be.  This school year is more relaxed, which is taking some getting used to. This is the first year that I’ve had this sense of freedom EVER in my career.  I’ve never not taught a state tested subject until this year, so I’m starting to feel as if I can be like famed singer Jill Scott and “live my life like its Golden”!


The pressure is gone.  This would normally be the time of year that I would be preparing my students for their test, with intensity.  Obviously preparation begins as soon as the first lesson is taught in August, but after Winter Break lessons are taught with even more rigor.

Yesterday, before I left to go home, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  For one thing, I was able to leave  work on time.  I’m normally not able to do that, so it felt odd.  Like there was something that I had forgotten to do.  There seems to always be something for me to do that didn’t get done during the day or something that urgently must be handled for the next day.  There’s always copies to run, power points to complete, parent calls to make, emails to catch up on, grading, or revising lessons.  I’m not used to this feeling of release; at least not in January. I normally tend to feel burden-less after my subject’s state test has been given, which is around April or May (school ends in late May).

Testing Season

There’s always this pressure for your students to do really well.  As if their scores are a reflection of the teachers ability to teach.  This can be a bit stressful since it’s as though many students seem to not really care about testing or classwork until it’s actually time for testing or report cards.  I’ve always been made to feel that the only way to prove I’m “doing my job” well, is if my students show that they are passing these mandated state tests.  A high passing rate means a teacher is fulfilling their job requirements of teaching! #sarcasm


If these tests were very necessary for student scholastic success, then why aren’t they required in private schools?  I’ve always gone above and beyond in making sure my students are prepared and ready, but the excess pressures that are added on to an already stressful job is unnecessary.  It begs you to ask the question, “What did I do in life to deserve this torturous hell on Earth”?

So again, yes.  Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I am glad to no longer be under the heal of oppression.  It’s actually helped me to look forward to coming in to work…on a Monday and after a two week break!


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Read my Previous Post: A Divine Perspective 15: Looking Back

Read my Previous Post: Divorce is NOT an Option

  • Featured Image Photo Credit:
  • Photo Credit: Jill Scott album cover/UK version:Sbme Import
  • Photo Credit: Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/: Tunes
  • Photo Credit: Comic Strip: Oregon Saving Our Schools
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September 2: It’s Labor Day!

It’s Labor Day 2019 here in the good ole U.S of A. Wherever you go, the scent of bar-b-que is sure to be found close by along with the refreshing smells of watermelon and sunshine.  

September 2: It’s Labor Day!

It’s Labor Day 2019 here in the good ole U.S of A.  A time set aside to honor those that labor every day, so that they may have a day of rest.  Obviously it’s not a day where all those that work are off, because stores and restaurants are open.  For those that have the pleasure of being off, these people honor this day with picnics, family, and shopping. 

Labor Day sales are prevalent and television commercials remind you to spend your money on this day, in order to, you know save it….Families get together for formal reunions, by gathering at parks for picnics, or homes.  Wherever you go, the scent of bar-b-que is sure to be found close by along with the refreshing smells of watermelon and sunshine.

I, on the other hand, like to spend my Labor Day doing absolutely nothing except for the things I want to do.  Reading, Writing, Sleeping, Eating, and Netflixing.  I don’t want to visit anyone and I don’t want any visitors coming to me.  Hearing the Huz-Band yell at the television about the College Football game that’s on and the pups playing is all the noise I need.  Not to be disrespectful to anyone, but I prefer to be at home cuddled in my pajamas while living my life like its Golden.  This Laborer still has to go to work the next day and I want to feel rested.  Maybe I’ll re-watch Game of Thrones and pretend the travesty that was Season 8 didn’t happen.

Thank you for reading.  Please comment below and tell me how you’ll be spending September 2 or for my international readers tell me how you spent September 2?

*You can read all about the facts and fiction of Labor Day by clicking on the links below-

Happy Labor Day

One Thing about Education

Yesterday was the first day back to school from Christmas Break. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad. The students, administration, and teachers were their normal selves…all of us trying to keep our energy up and our eyes open. Honestly, we really were happy to see each other.  Apart from missing the luxury of waking up late and going to bed even later, we knew that it was Duty along with a light dusting of love for our student’s learning, that brought us back. As I often try to explain to my students, life teaches us about having to work hard even when you want to be somewhere else.

Little life lessons like those help me to appreciate my job. Like every occupation, there’s the good and the bad. Teachers must deal with parents that refuse to believe their child is not perfect and does make mistakes. We deal with times of feeling like the school’s administration places unnecessary or even unrealistic pressures on us. These issues along with the painstaking task of having to remember what desk or supply to not touch because we just watched your 12 year old dig in their nose and/or butt are not the highlights of our years.

Of course, there are many positives in the line of education that make us educators appreciate this highly stressful job. The opportunity to mold young minds and the excitement of watching a student finally “get it”. Noticing the growth of a low reader from August through November and even watching a child’s confidence grow during the year are the highlights we want to focus on. Another great plus, I can not deny, is the amount of time off given for major holidays and for Summer Break. Keep in mind that this allotted time off depends on the state and the district you teach in. Many people jump to the chance of becoming an educator because of having the summer months off. *Please don’t go into education solely for this reason.*

The thing is though, teachers don’t receive the entire summer off. We have PD days, also known as “professional developments” which are meetings to help teachers prepare for the forthcoming year. These types of meetings are also scattered within the school year. They are required and promoted to encourage teachers to remember that they are lifelong learners. We are reminded that these courses are a gift that enables the teacher to become better at their craft for the benefit of the “chir-run”😑.

Like many other employees, I despise meetings. I endure them because, like everything else, they come with the job. Now a days in these meetings one is not able to just sit, listen, and take notes. We now must move around and talk to other people in order to get the blood flowing. To also practice the teaching strategy of “think, pair, and share” which means you discuss what the presenter has just talked about to another person. The introvert in me says, “Hated It”.

I am literally being forced to meet and speak to people about information that hasn’t even sunk in yet…stuff that makes me say, “Wait, What did they just say?” But it’s not to just anyone, it’s preferred that I speak to PEOPLE I DON’T KNOW! The horror of it all! This teaching style is not differentiated for my learning needs. I need some modifications. Someone is not adhering to my learning style as set aside in my ARD paper work. #teacherjargon

But despite the dread of having to step out of my comfort zone…despite having to share my summers with learning, planning, and the teacher-bullying from parents and students sporadically sprinkled throughout the year, seeing the sincere smiles of my students does help me to ease those irritations. Like myself, the students try to hide the happiness they have upon seeing me after such a long time away from each other. It’s cute. “Happy to see you too sugar foot, but wash your hands first before we high-five, handshake, or bump. I know where your hands have been.”

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Hello SUMMER my Old Friend…

I wonder if the school year is 9 months to parallel the stages of pregnancy. In the first few months, teachers are excited about the new school year, like a mother after discovering she is with child.  Closer to the end of the pregnancy mothers become tired of being pregnant and begin to look forward to school being over, I mean having the baby.

Summer officially begins June 21, but for me it has already begun.  I am a teacher, so part of my job is to have a summer break.  Like I tell my students, we teachers, are more excited about summer break than students.  They, like the rest of non-educators, do not realize all that goes into the 9 months of the school year.

Side note: I wonder if the school year is 9 months to parallel the stages of pregnancy. In the first few months, teachers are excited about the new school year, like a mother after discovering she is with child.  Closer to the end of the pregnancy mothers become tired of being pregnant and begin to look forward to school being over, I mean having the baby.

For many educators, the school year may last longer than 9 months, because there are often Professional Developments (P.D.) that we are often encouraged to attend, and no they do not come with any extra pay.  Overtime??? Fuh-get-a-bout-it; unless you decide to teach summer school. ☹️…😭

Many teachers love their jobs and quietly deal with ALL that comes with the responsibility of dealing with a stranger’s child.  Some are here for the check (survival needs you know), and a few are still in search of why they stumbled into this career in the first place.  They are still searching for that “thing” that made them proudly want to proclaim, “Yes!  I want to be an educator!,” but that is another post, for another day….

So as I said, MY SUMMER HAS FINALLY BEGUN!!!!!  My plans you ask??? Uhhhh, to do absolutely nothing! Can’t you see my big Grinch smile slyly sliding across my face?  Usually my huz-band and I travel, by Cruise, Plane, Train, or Automobile during our summer break, but I am over traveling this year.  I would prefer to enjoy my home.  Last summer we had just moved into our new home in a new area.  Within a month we had visited family in Mississippi, Florida, and the Washington/D.C.-Baltimore area.  Now, I know that many of you thought, “Florida??? That’s a vacation right there.”  Normally that may be the case, but this time, it wasn’t. There was just too much happening down there for it to be a relaxing vacay.

Soon after our return home, we had to prepare for school.  School began with a lunar eclipse and Hurricane Harvey in the same week.  Harvey’s visit instantly led to me, my husband, and my 2 puppy boys sharing our brand-new home with my mother-in-law and lil’ sissy-in-law.  We were all together from September until about mid-January while the damages brought on to their home from the hurricane’s flooding had been repaired.  It was a very close time…for ALL of us.😇

So this summer, I would like to enjoy my home and get to know this new area I live in.  I can’t wait to have the time to read, write, sleep, workout, blog, and to Netflix.  I look forward to spending time with my huz-band and pups.  Most importantly, this summer I am excited to do whatever I want! (Grinch smile back in progress)


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I Admire You

You are living in your dream…

I cannot be like you.  As much as I may try and as much as I might want to…


I admire you.

Every day you arrive with a smile on your face and great expectations in your spirit.

Eager about this year, you are already planning for the next.

Warmth you deliver while focus and understanding are your goals.

Willing to assist others however you can, because no one is a stranger to you.

You are full of relative news, insight, and opinions;

but always aware of making sure to be respectable.

You are living in your dream…

I cannot be like you.  As much as I may try and as much as I might want to…

but I do admire you.


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How I Honored His Dream

Yesterday was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.  A U.S. Federal holiday that many companies, businesses, and school districts observe by cancelling this day of working…except my district.  Don’t get me wrong, students were off, but teachers had the great pleasure of attending more Professional Learning classes also called Professional Development.  Weeks prior to this day I proudly proclaimed that I would not be going to work.  The problem came when I couldn’t come up with a valid reason to explain why I would not be going to Professional Development.  I couldn’t just walk into my principal’s office and say, “MLK Day is a black holiday, so I should be excluded from coming in next Monday.  Forget the man and forget you.  If you don’t like it then you are racist.”  First of all, I would have never said that.  Plus it’s ignorant and stupid and a lie.  I also couldn’t say, “I feel disrespected at the utter fact that this district doesn’t fully acknowledge MLK Day as a holiday.  So since this district won’t honor him, I will honor Dr. King and not come in to work”.  One of the reasons he and others were fighting were so that people, especially people like me, could be able to work.  Anyway, none of those reasons, I felt, would suffice.  My principal would most likely run home laughing about it to her husband over a glass of wine.  I mean, if I were her, I would.

I went to work.

Because of the dream that Dr. King and all of the many others that dreamed this same dream, I am able to have the job I have today.  I work in a district that seems to slowly be coming out of the dark and into the light, the irony, and can finally see that all people can make America Great, and have made America the great country that it is from the sweat off of all of our brows.  Slowly but surely more and more people of color, not just black people, are being hired.  Three years ago, I was the first African American to be hired as a teacher, not aide, at my current school.  Every year since, there has been 1 more “W.O.C” (Women of Color) hired.  From some discussions I have had with some of my co-workers, they never realized that all of the teachers were able to blend in with each other, until me.  They noticed how un-diversified their faculty was, and wanted to make a change.  Kudos!

Earlier in the year when discussing Dr. Martin Luther King, I explained to my young students that because part of Dr. King’s dream had been fulfilled, someone that looks like me can be their teacher.

So instead of taking the day to volunteer, or watch a MLK Day Parade on the “black side of town”, or sleep in, I chose to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by going to work.  Also in remembrance of the many black people that could not get jobs in the past and presently, simply because of the color of their skin.

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Featured Images taken by KATherine of Dear Diary… July 2017
