Soul Food Sundays 06: Trust in HIM

July 2, 2017

There you go stressing!  You can’t even sleep at night because of all that you have going on in your head.  I’ve been there before.  I know what that is all about.  However,  I do believe that I have a solution that can help you to Let it Go!  Take it easy, breathe, and relax.  Allow the weight of the world to fall OFF your shoulders.

Even when you feel like you are at your lowest point in life, because it seems that all of the cares of the world are upon you, find your strength in the Lord.  Give your cares to HIM.

Of course you may not understand why life goes the way it does sometimes, but that my friend, is life.  We aren’t always going to understand everything that happens.  We have to believe in Him enough to trust and know that everything will work out in our lives for our good.  We will be victorious through Him.

Come to God with your concerns.  He would love to hear from you.   Let Him know what is worrying you. It doesn’t have to be formal and you don’t have to sound like a preacher. Just be yourself.  Come to Christ as you are.  He knows you and where you are in life, but he would still love to hear from His baby boy or baby girl.  Why?  Because He Loves You.  Don’t rely on other people to pray for you, because no one can pray for you like YOU CAN. 

Relax in the Lord…Talk to Him,  and do your best to Trust in Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.                      Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV